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Other seemingly healthy choices like salads also concealed stealth sugar bombs. “I would add vinaigrette dressing or chickpeas, not knowing they’re high in calories. Or I’d eat tuna with mayo, which turns into sugar,” says Rupp.
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Hypnosec writes Over 40 years after Neil Armstrong’s Apollo 11 trip, a hidden bag full of artifacts has been discovered by his widow Carol Armstrong. Carol found the bag after Neil’s death shortly after he underwent heart surgery. The bag contained a total of 20 items including the priceless 16mm movie camera that recorded Apollo 11’s descent to the surface of the moon, an optical alignment Replica Designer handbags sight used by the crew for docking maneuvers, and a waist tether among other things.
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My kitchen stinks so bad now that I am wondering if I put the darn things in when they were turning. I didn’t notice any smell when I bought them but then I wasn’t paying attention and didn’t smell the packages before I bought them. 3 packages just might have to be put in the garbage and I don’t want to throw them out and waste the food or money but at the same time I can’t stand the thought of cooking and eating them with that awful foul smell.
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