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France has done that too, particularly during the Euro soccer championship in June and July. And many smaller events have also gone on as scheduled. Paris Plage, which sees the Seine turn into a beachfront each summer, has introduced more security measures, including barricades, new bag checks, and patrolling military.
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Offshore: Capt. Kraig Dafcik aboard the multipassenger charter boat Alabama has enjoyed a fruitful week of half day fishing out on the Gulf. Departing from Port of Naples Marina, Dafcik has been prospecting several areas of natural bottom in the 10 to 14 mile range and returning to port with mixed bag catches of red grouper, snapper, porgies, silver grunts and Spanish mackerel..
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3. Victim Mike Droese reported that he was assaulted by Marcel J. Droese, 24, of Anglers Cove Building B, unit 506.