Sequel Hook: Some plot lines are left purposely unresolved

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I was asked to give my point of view which concerns the federal program MK-The sign MK-NAOMI is the code-named intended to designate the development of The part “MK” are the initials of the two co-authors of the AIDS virus, Robert Manaker and Paul The part “NAOMI” means “the blacks are just individuals” The US government continues to orchestrate the silence of the very high echelons of Congress and At present, no one takes his The honest people will eventually create a tsunami of indignation in public opinion We can not allow the state an autocratic right to govern outside of our society is structured to conceal state crimes, while punishing citizens for misdemeanors Their strategy is based on the general confusion they can create by manipulating them They are very adept at this game We must focus on the regular presentation of the organigram which is the missing link that proves the existence of a coordinated research program to develop a virus of cancer that destroys the system This compilation of judicial documents and correspondences is the accomplishment of the real effort of a man to solve the mystery of the origin of the We found the origin of AIDS, it is
The origin of AIDS is also at the origin of almost all the cancer viruses that Lymphoma, leukemia and AIDS are a small part of a long list of diseases created by these cancers have been developed in one place called Fort Dietrich, Maryland, United States, in an installation of the In 1971, Fort Detrich changed hands, and sUnder the cover of the National Institute of Health (NIH) organic “research” continued, after President Nixon declared that the US would cut funding and halt biological “research,” in fact, this funding for biological research increased in 1970 with the appropriation of $ 10 million to create an immune suppressing virus “for which no natural immunity could be obtained”.
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